Once monitoring requirements are in place, reporting requirements can be established to document and communicate compliance status to regulatory bodies. This involves setting up one-time or recurring reports to ensure that all relevant information is captured and presented accurately. We have seen utilities create reports saving countless hours using other options such as Excel and sourcing from different data sources.
These reports serve as a valuable tool for demonstrating compliance, identifying trends, and making informed decisions to maintain regulatory compliance.
Steps for Creating Reporting Requirements:
To access the reporting requirements for your discharge permit, simply navigate to the permit details and click on the 'Reporting Requirements' tab. From there, you'll have all the information you need for your report.
Initiate Report Setup: Click on '+ Reporting Requirements’ to create a new entry.
Configure Report Details
Step 1/2
Choose to create a single report or a recurring report.
Step 2/2
After entering a name for the report and a Due Date, the report can be created by clicking the Create button.
Customizing Report Content
Once you have created the discharge permit report, you can click on it to perform various actions. You can toggle its status, input the dates when the report was sent and received, and attach any relevant notes or supporting documents. These features provide you with the flexibility to efficiently manage and track your discharge permit reports, ensuring that all necessary information is readily available when needed.
We have also included the ability to save the report and import sample data. These features enable you to easily populate your reports with pre-defined data, saving time and effort. By utilizing this functionality, you can quickly generate comprehensive reports without the need for manual data entry. Goodbye, Excel!
When you click on the Save and import sample button, you are taken to the File Importing screen. Here, you can choose the file type and import the data you need. Typically, this option is used for importing sample result data.
To go to the next article in the Learning Path, Creating Inspection Types please click here.