1. Klir Knowledge Hub
  2. Klir Comply for Community
  3. September 2024 Release Additions and Enhancements

Updates to Contact and Address Workflow

In this release, we’ve implemented several enhancements to streamline the creation and management of contacts and addresses within the customer profile setup. These updates aim to improve efficiency and organization across the system.

Enhanced Contact and Address Selection

Select Existing Contacts

  • Contact Association: Users with the necessary permissions can now search for and associate existing contacts during the customer creation process.
  • Search Filters: The search can be filtered by contact name, email, or phone number, with selected contacts displayed as [Full Name] - [Email].
  • Existing Association Notification: If a contact is already linked to another customer, the system will provide a notification displaying:
    • Customer Name
    • Account ID
Operational Status of Customer

Select Existing Addresses

  • Address Association: Users can also search for existing addresses during customer creation, filtering by Address Line 1 or Zip Code.
  • Linked Address Notification: Similar to contacts, if an address is associated with another customer, a message will appear showing the relevant customers.

New Contacts Page

  • New Contacts Page: A dedicated Contacts page has been added under the Customers section in the side menu, allowing users to view all contacts in a paginated format.
  • Key Features:
    • Text search functionality and dropdown filters for refined results.
    • Customizable columns with default headers displaying essential contact information.

Driver Profile Page for Liquid Waste Haulers (LWH)

  • Comprehensive Driver Profiles: A detailed profile page has been introduced for Liquid Waste Hauler drivers.
  • Profile Structure: Organized into cards displaying:
    • Driver's Profile Details
    • Comments
    • Licenses and Certifications
    • Attachments

Profile Page for Water Protection Testers (WP Testers)

  • Tester Profiles: A structured profile page has been created for Water Protection Testers.
  • Profile Organization: Organized into cards displaying:
    • Tester’s Profile Details
    • Assets
    • Comments
    • Licenses and Certifications
    • Attachments
  • Future Updates: This page will eventually include details about submitted tests for the Water Protection Program.

Profile Page for Non-Technician Contacts

  • Dedicated Profiles: A new profile page for non-technician contacts has been introduced, featuring:
    • Profile Details
    • Comments
    • Attachments

Contact Creation Enhancements

Creating Contacts from the Contacts View Page

  • Users can now create new contacts directly from the Contacts page, in addition to the existing workflow from the Customer page.

Technician Type Field

  • New Dropdown: A "Type of Technician" dropdown has been added to the contact creation workflow, adapting based on the type of non-domestic customer.
  • Default Column: The Technician field is now a default column in the Contacts search results for easier identification.

External Code Field

  • New Field Addition: An ExternalCode field has been added to the Contacts entity, allowing for the recording of unique identifiers from external systems. This enhancement is critical for synchronization with external systems like Customer Care & Billing, preventing duplicates and ensuring data consistency.

These updates significantly enhance the usability and organization of customer and contact information within the system, ensuring users can manage their contacts and addresses more effectively. The structured profile pages for drivers, testers, and non-technician contacts facilitate better access to essential information, supporting operational efficiency and compliance.