1. Klir Knowledge Hub
  2. Klir Comply for Community
  3. September 2024 Release Additions and Enhancements

New Customer Attributes and Facility Management Enhancements

In this release, we have made significant updates to the customer creation workflow, introducing new attributes and enhancing the management of domestic customer facilities. These improvements aim to provide a more detailed customer profile and streamline facility management.

New Customer Attributes in Customer Creation Workflow

Enhanced Customer Profile

The customer creation process now includes additional attributes for better categorization and flexibility:

Program Selection

  • Domestic Programs:
    • Water Protection

  • Non-Domestic Programs:
    • Industrial Pretreatment
    • Water Protection

Is Service Provider (Non-Domestic Only)

  • Service Provider Checkbox: This checkbox allows users to specify if the customer is a service provider, applicable only for non-domestic customers. Users can select from the following service provider types:
    • Backflow Testing Services
    • Liquid Hauled Waste Services

These updates ensure that customers are categorized effectively, enabling more precise management and reporting.

Creation of Facilities for Domestic Customers

Automatic Facility Creation

  • Linked Customer Facility: When creating a domestic customer, the system will now automatically create a linked Customer Facility to capture essential physical attributes of the customer's building.

Domestic Customer Facility Profile Page

  • New Facility Profile Page: A dedicated profile page for domestic customer facilities has been introduced, allowing users to view and manage the following tabs:
    • Facility Details
    • Tasks
    • Assets
    • Inspections
    • Attachments

This feature ensures a comprehensive and organized view of all facility-related information for each domestic customer.

Add Domestic Facility from the Domestic Customer Profile

  • Facilities Tab: A new Facilities tab has been added to the Domestic Customer Profile. This tab includes:
    • Search Box and Filters: Allow users to quickly find and manage facility records.
    • Create Button: Enables users to easily add new facilities directly from the customer profile page.

These updates create a cohesive workflow for managing domestic customers and their facilities, enhancing the overall user experience and providing essential tools for effective facility management. With these enhancements, users can expect improved organization, visibility, and ease of access to vital customer and facility information.