The My Dashboard screen greets you as soon as you log into the Klir Platform. The dashboard keeps you on track with tasks, delivers internal messages, and displays the current progress of your tasks in Klir!
The Tasks Due section provides an overview of tasks and subtasks assigned to you, pointing out tasks that may require your focus soon. . It allows separate views for overdue tasks, tasks due today, and tasks due for the entire week.
The Notifications section displays all system notifications. It prominently highlights important unread messages to ensure that no crucial updates are missed.
The Pick up where you left off section allows you to quickly find a page you recently visited. The pages include the time of your last visit.
The Task Progress Overview section shows you how many of your total tasks due this month are closed. Clicking on each section to navigate to the tasks.
The Task Progress Overview section shows you how many of your total tasks due this month are closed. Clicking on each section to navigate to the tasks.