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April 2024 Release – Master Sampling Schedule Improvements Update

Improved Filtering 

  • Cascading Parameter Groups/Parameters filter:
    When users filter by Parameter Groups on the Master Sampling Schedule page, only parameters that exist within those groups are displayed on the “Parameters” filter dropdown.

    (Note: only expected samples generated from parameter groups are displayed in the scope when these filters are populated).
  • Status filter:
    A new “Status” filter allows users to filter the list of expected samples according to their state of New, Scheduled or Complete.

  • Displaying active “Expected samples”:
    Enhancements made to the relationship between Monitoring plans / Requirement sets / Requirements ensure users are only shown expected samples in the table that belong to active requirements.

  • New “Time Period” table filter:
    The addition of a period filter on the Master Sampling Schedule table enables users to filter the entire list of expected samples according to their “Due Date”. This filter works in conjunction with the filter bank and shows all expected samples due: This week, Next week, This month, Next month, This year & Next year.