We have introduced a bunch of changes in the asset workflow:
New Asset Classes
This release includes the creation and edit workflow for the following new asset classes for non-domestic customers:
- Gauges
- Vehicles
- Interceptors
New Creation Workflows
- Apart from the new assets added, we have also transformed the asset inventory creation/edit workflow for existing asset classes to be streamlined and more user-friendly.
- These updated workflows are available from Customer & Customer Facility record as well when creating new assets.
- The asset inventory screen now features a unified ‘All Assets’ view with tabs to easily view different asset classes. This replaces the previous split between ‘Community Assets’ & ‘System Assets’ tabs.
- The new screens for search include improvements around:
- Enhanced search criterion and filters
- Customizable header component
- Seamless tab switching & paginated search for easier navigation and performance
- Updates to asset profile page for information to be streamlined to future changes around water protection testing. The asset profile pages differ based on asset classes and provide relevant information to the user.
- Gauges can be associated with Tester contacts. The relation between tester and gauge shows up in both the Gauge profile and Tester profile.